Juwelier Mayer Diamantenpflege

Our guide to diamond care

To ensure that your shiny jewellery shines longer and you can enjoy the shine for longer, we will provide you with a few storage and care tips below.

Although many diamonds together can reflect a true work of art, you should always keep your gems separate from each other. In this way unattractive scratches can be avoided. The diamond is one of the hardest materials in the world, but it can be contaminated by other diamonds if it is constantly touched. In addition, we recommend that you store the diamonds in cloth bags or the caskets you received when you purchased them.

Avoid doing sports with the diamond. The subsequent showering is also not compatible with the highlights in the long run. Despite its robustness, the wedding ring and diamond should be removed during simple household activities. This can include, for example, washing dishes or working in the garden.

You should also take care of your highlights on a beautiful holiday. A day on the sandy beach is just as incompatible with your highlight as swimming in salt water.

You should occasionally wipe and briefly polish your diamonds with microfibre cloths. The fingerprints left behind on contact leave grease on the diamond. This not only looks unattractive, but also leads to a loss of shine after a certain period of time. You are welcome to bring your diamonds to us for thorough cleaning. With the help of an ultrasonic cleaning we give your shiny pieces back the shine they deserve.

We have summarised all the important information for you in an overview. You can download this as a picture here: Diamond care

We hope that our tips will help you preserve your diamonds for a long time to come. We would also be happy to arrange a consultation with you. Visit us in our shop or make an appointment with one of our employees by telephone.

Furthermore we wish you a lot of fun wearing your jewellery,

Mayer Jeweller